English Language Learning Foundation, Inc.

  • ​Sponsorship Levels

    • ​​ELL Partners @ $4,000: Table for 10, large logo displayed during the event, recognition from the podium, sponsor promotion via social media, and logo on the ELL Foundation website for one year. 

    • President's Circle @ $3,000: Table for 10, large logo displayed during the event, recognition from the podium, sponsor promotion via social media, and logo on the ELL Foundation website for one year. 

    • Advocate's Circle @ $2,000: Table for 10, medium logo displayed during the event, recognition from the podium, sponsor promotion via social media, and logo on the ELL Foundation website for one year. 

    • Friends of ELL @ $1,000: Table for 10, small logo displayed during the event, recognition from the podium, sponsor promotion via social media, and logo on the ELL Foundation website for one year. 

    • Table Sponsor @ $450: Table for 10, name of sponsor displayed during the event, recognition from the podium, sponsor promotion via social media, and name of sponsor on the ELL Foundation website for one year. 

  • To submit your event sponsorship, please fill out the  Event Sponsorship Form ,and then submit your payment. ​​

  • To mail your payment, please send it to: ELL Foundation Inc., P.O. Box 19975, Cincinnati, OH 45219. 

  • To purchase a table or submit event sponsorship to attend the Annual ELLF Breakfast, go to: https://e.givesmart.com/events/Fgo/ or submit your payment online via PayPal using the the payment tool below. 

Take a peak and place your bid for the 2025 ELLF Silent Auction! Auction is now open! All proceeds will go towards the ELLF Scholarship Recipients.

  • To place bid for the virtual silent auction follow this link

  • We welcome any items you would like to help auction off. To donate an auction item, follow this link


Since 2006, the ELL Foundation has provided over $230,000 in scholarships and education programs to well deserved Middle School, High School and Undergraduate ELL Students and it is all thanks to our donors.  Help us continue to assist our local ELL students by making a contribution today or supporting our annual Recognition Breakfast!

Donations can be made of any amount over $5.00! Donations are 100% tax deductible. Consider turning your donation into a monthly contribution!  Since we do not have paid staff, almost all of your donation will go directly to supporting scholarships, emergency aid, and educational programs for local ELL students in Greater Cincinnati. 

  • $250 would pay for an emergency grant for a local ELL college student experiencing temporary financial emergencies

  • $500 would fully fund an ELL Foundation Scholarship for a local EL student

  • $1000 would fully fund a S. Margarita Brewer, SC Scholarship for a local EL student

  • $2000 would fully fund an educational event for local English learners


Donate today, or make it a monthly contribution! 

Event Sponsorships

There are 3 Primary ways to Support the ELL Foundation:

Donate - support our cause

Visit or Donate to the silent auction:  https://e.givesmart.com/events/Fgo/ 

Join usat the THE 17th-annual recognition breakfast on FEbruary 27, 2025!


Become a recognition BREAKFAST event sponsor: